What's in This Guide?

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What's in This Guide?

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What's in This Guide?


iVend Retail 6.6 Extensibility Package Guide is a complete reference for developers.

This guide consists of sections that give developers' extensive information on the following mentioned topics of iVend Retail 6.6 Extensibility Package:

oGetting Started

This section consists of two topics which are Installation Prerequisites, and Getting Help.

oThe Basics

This section is a part of Developer’s Guide. It consists of other sub-topics helping you to understand the basics of programming for efficient and standard practice.

oHow To Create an Add-On

This section explains about how to create an Add-On using iVend Add-On framework.

oHow To Upgrade an Existing Add-On

This section explains about how to upgrade an Add-On using iVend Add-On framework.

oAuthorization for Data

This section explains about data interface objects such as Business Objects, Raw Data, and Infrastructure and Meta Data Objects.

oCustomizing User Interface

This section contains other sub-topics in order to explain UI Customization in more simplified way. The other sub-topics introduce you to user interface design standards, performance tips, and restrictions. More it consists of FAQs, How To, and Samples providing you with in-depth information.

oUsing Data Interface

This section helps you understand how to use iVend Retail 6.6 data interface. It contains other sub-topics such as business events and business validations in order to explain the topic more effectively.


This section explains how to debug the code using MS Visual Studio while attaching the process. In order to debug, Management Console should be in running status and logged in.

oPackaging & Deployment

This section explains how to package and deploy the iVend Add-on DLL file.

oWeb API

This section explains about the iVend Web Services API which is a collection of WCF Services for updating, retrieving, and manipulating data in the iVend Retail Enterprise Server in a interoperable manner thus vastly improving the management and operations of the entire retail environment.

oDatabase Table Reference

This section provides a reference to the database tables, views, store procedures, and user-defined functions of iVend Retail 6.6.