Stock Transfer Shipment

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Stock Transfer Shipment


Stock Transfer Shipment

Stock transfers are used to transfer the goods from one warehouse to another warehouse of the company. The warehouse from where the goods are being shipped creates the Stock Transfer Shipment transaction and the receiving warehouse uses the Stock Transfer Receipt option to receive the goods in their warehouse.


To open the window, choose Operations > Business Transactions > Stock Transfer Shipment.


Search Screen



Search Criteria

Reference Number1, Reference Number2

Specify the reference number of the stock transfer shipment transaction to be searched.


Select the status of the transaction to be searched.

Request Number

Specify the request number of the transaction to be searched


Select a warehouse who has requested for the stock transfer shipment. By default, it is blank which means that the search result shows the stock transfer requests from all warehouse.

Search Results

From Warehouse

Displays the warehouse from where the stock is being transferred.

Business Date

Displays the business date on which the stock transfer transaction was created

Request Number

Displays the request number as specified in the transaction while creating it.

Requested Date

Displays the date when the stock transfer was requested


Data Setup Screen



Header Columns

From Warehouse

Displays the warehouse of the store and cannot be changed

From Location

Search and select the location from where the stock transfer is being shipped. Only that location will be available that belongs to the From Warehouse and has been enabled for stock transfer.

clip0215This field will be available once location is enabled on enterprise and on warehouse

To Warehouse

Search and select the warehouse where the stock needs to be transferred

Business Date

Displays the business date and cannot be changed. Please note that the business date in the system changes only when the End of Day process available in the “Retail Configuration” module is completed.

Requested Date

Select the date on which the stock transfer was requested. By default, the current date is displayed.

Request Number

Enter the request number for the stock transfer.

Reference No. 1, Reference No. 2

Enter the reference number(s) for the transaction so that the transaction can be easily searched and identified.


Displays the status of the stock transfer and can be either Open or Closed. The transaction will remain in the Open status till the receiving warehouse receives the complete stock by creating the Stock Transfer Receipt transaction.

Sales Person

Select a sales person from the list of sales persons. Click … to open the Employee Search screen and select a sales person.


Enter any comment for the transaction.

Detail Columns


Displays the code of the product(s) added to the transaction


Displays the description of the product(s) added

From Location

Search and select the location from where the stock transfer is being shipped. The Location that will be available to choose from has to

1.Belong to the From Warehouse.

2.Been enabled (checked true) for stock transfer.

3.Has available quantity more than 0.

clip0216This field will be available once location is enabled on enterprise and on warehouse


Enter the quantity of the product to be transferred


Displays the status of the line item as Open or Close. The status will be close only when all of the quantity specified for transfer is received at the receiving warehouse through a Stock Transfer Receipt transaction.

Add  Product

Click this button to add the product(s) to be transferred. If the selected product is matrix item then the user would see options to select the matrix child based on the attribute filters.

clip0217If subsidiary is enabled, product get filtered for which assigned subsidiary is applicable to selected From warehouse and To warehouse.

Delete Product

Click this button to delete product(s) added to the transaction.


The button updates changes to the database and closes the screen.

clip0218If the Stock Transfer Shipment is being done for a serial tracked or batch tracked product, the Serial Selection or Batch Selection screens respectively are displayed on clicking the “Ok” button.


This button does not save any changes and closes the screen.

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