Serial Selection

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Serial Selection


Serial Selection

The screen is displayed when a Stock Transfer Shipment/ Stock Transfer Receipt is being created for any serial tracked product. The screen enables the user to select the serial number(s) from which the stock is to be transferred.


Data Setup Screen





Displays the code of the product (s) for which the serial number(s) is to be selected.


Displays the description of the product (s) for which the serial number(s) is to be created.

Quantity Required

Displays the quantity for which the serial number(s) are to be selected.

It displays the value entered in the “Quantity” field of the “Stock Transfer Shipment”/ “Goods Issue” Screen or the “Receivable Quantity in the “Stock Transfer Receipt” Screen.

Quantity Selected

Displays the quantity for which the serial numbers are selected.

The value in the field is automatically updated as the serial numbers are selected for the product.

Quantity Remaining

Displays the quantity for which the serial numbers are to be selected.

The value in the field is calculated as (Quantity Required - Quantity Selected).

Available Serial

Serial Number

Displays the serial numbers available for the selected line item in the “Products” grid.

Selected Serial

Serial Number

Displays the serial number(s) selected to be transferred for the selected line item in the “Products” grid.



The button enables to automatically transfer the “Quantity Required” from the “Available Serial” grid to the “Selected Serial” grid in the order the serial numbers are mentioned in the “Available Serial” grid.


The button enables the user to select the serial number(s) in the “Available Serial” grid from which the “Quantity Required”  is to be transferred to the “Selected Serial” grid.

The user can select the serial number(s) in the “Available Serial” grid and click the “Ok” button.



The button enables the user to select the serial number in the “Selected Serial” grid, which is to be transferred back to the “Available Serial” grid.

The user needs to select the serial number in the “Selected Serial” grid and click the button.



The button enables to automatically transfer back all the serial number(s) from the “Selected Serial” grid to the “Available Serial “grid.

On clicking the button, the serial number(s) in the “Selected Serial” grid are transferred back to the “Available Grid”.


The button updates changes to the database and closes the screen.


The button does not save any changes and closes the screen.


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