Goods Receipt PO

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Goods Receipt PO


Good Receipt PO

Goods Receipt PO is created whenever any goods is received against any purchase order created in the system. Goods can be fully or partially received against a purchase order. Only the PO line items that are not closed are displayed in this screen.


To open the window, choose Operations > Business Transactions > Goods Receipt PO.


Search Screen



Search Criteria

Goods Receipt Number

Specify the number of the goods receipt transaction to be searched.


Click the […] button and select a warehouse. It shows all Goods Receipt PO if you perform search without specifying a warehouse.

Search Results

Receipt Date

Displays the date on which the goods were received for the records that satisfy the search criteria specified.

Goods Receipt Number

Displays the goods receipt number as specified in the transaction while creating it.


Displays the name of warehouse.


To create a new Goods receipt document,

Click “F3” or the “F3 New” button

The “Purchase Order Search” screen is opened and the open POs are displayed.

Select the PO against which the goods are to be received.

The “Goods Receipt PO” screen is displayed

Enter the required data and click on Ok button.


Data Setup Screen



Header Column

Goods Receipt Number

Enter the number by which you want to identify the transaction. By default, the PO number is displayed in this field.

Receipt Date

Enter the date on which the goods are received against the specified PO

To Warehouse

Displays the warehouse of the store where the goods are being received and cannot be changed by the user.

clip0210 If Subsidiary enabled, In details – product will be get filtered as per subsidiary assigned to selected To Warehouse

To Location

Displays the location of the warehouse of the store where the goods are being received. This location can be changed by the user. The Location has to

1.Belong to the Warehouse

2.Should have goods receive option enabled.

clip0211This field will be available once location is enabled on enterprise and on warehouse

Purchase Order Vendor

Displays the vendor on whom the order was placed. This value is picked from the PO and cannot be changed.

Purchase Order Accounting Id

Displays the accounting id generated for the PO. This value is picked from the PO and cannot be changed.

Purchase Order Status

Displays whether the PO is open or closed. A goods receipt PO can be created only on open PO. This field cannot be changed by the user.

Purchase Order Total

Displays the total value of the PO. This value is picked from the PO and cannot be changed.

Purchase Order Last Updated Date

Displays the date on which the PO was last updated. This value is picked from the PO and cannot be changed.

Detail Column


Displays the product code being received.


Displays the description of the product being received


Displays the location of the warehouse of the store where the goods are being received. This location can be changed by the user. The Location has to

1.Belong to the Warehouse

2.Should have goods receive option enabled.

3.The inventory will be updated for this Location.

clip0212This field will be available once location is enabled on enterprise and on warehouse

Ordered Quantity

Displays the quantity ordered for the product in the PO.

Received Quantity

Displays the quantity of the product received so far.

Receivable Quantity

Enter the quantity being received for the product. By default, this field displays the difference between the quantity ordered and received. The user can change this value if need be.


Displays the price of the product as specified in the PO.

Based on the Enterprise Setting "Allow Price Change While GRPO", the user will be able to modify the price while doing the goods receipt.

Tax Code

Select a code from the list of tax codes. Click … to open the Tax Code search screen and select the code.


Enter any comment you may want to enter for the receipt of the product.

Purchase Order

Click this button to see the complete details of the PO for which the goods are being received.


The button updates changes to the database and closes the screen.

clip0213If the Goods Receipt PO is being created for a serial tracked or batch tracked product, the Serial Generation or Batch Generation screens respectively are displayed on clicking the “Ok” button.


This button does not save any changes and closes the screen.

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