F6 Transaction Search

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F6 Transaction Search

The button enables the user to search for the transactions done for the selected customer at the POS.


The “Transaction Search” screen is displayed on pressing F6 or clicking “F6 Transaction Search” button. The details of the screen are as follows:






Search Criteria

Transaction Code

Text Box

Enter the code of transaction being searched. The user can enter the code either throug the keypad on the right side grid or the keyboard and press F1 or click “F1 Search” to display “Search Results Grid” for the product searched.

Customer Code

Text Box

Displays the code of the customer whose transaction(s) is being searched.

The code of the customer is specified in the “Customer” Screen at the Management Console.

Actual Date

Text Box

Enter the actual date for which the transaction is being searched.

It is the calendar date on which the transaction is carried out at the POS.


Text Box

Enter the store code for which the transactions are to be searched. By default it will be populated by the store to which the POS is attached.

Customer Reference Number

Text Box

Enter the Customer Reference Number for which the records are to be searched.


Date From

Text Box

Enter the start date range of the business date for which the transactions are to be searched.

Date To

Text Box

Enter the to date range of the business date for which the transactions are to be searched.

Transaction Type

Text Box

Select the transaction type from the available list for filtering the transactions.










Lost Sales

Gift Certificates

Product Id

Text Box

If the transaction type is selected then cashier can search the transaction based on the product sold to the customer.

Sales Person

Text Box

Tranctions can be serach based on selected sales person

Tender Type

Text Box

Select the tender type from the list of tenders for searching the transaction. Seleting this will show the list of the transactions in which the selected tender type is used as payment method.


Credit Card

Debit Card

Gift Certificate

On Account


Travellers Check

Foreign Currency




Card Number

Text Box

If the Tender type is selected then cahier can enter the last four digits of the credit card to search for the transactions.

Cashier Id

Text Box

Enter the cahsier id for searching the transactions done by a cashier.


Text Box

Enter the POS Id for searhing the transcation done at a particular POS..

Business Date

Text Box

Enter the business date for which the transaction is being searched.

It is the system date, which gets updated when the user performs the End of Day activity in the “End of day”(Till Management End of day)

Search Results

Transaction Code

Text Box

Displays the code of the transaction(s) searched.

First Name

Text Box

Displays the first name of the customer whose transaction(s) is searched.

Business Date

Text Box

Displays the business date for the transaction searched.

Actual Date

Text Box

Displays the actual date for the transaction searched.


Text Box

Displays the total amount of the transaction.




The button enables the user to search for the transactions.


Specify the “Search Criteria”, if any, by entering the required values and click the search button. The search results are displayed in the grid.


If the user does not enter any value against the “Search Criteria” all the existing transactions for the customer are displayed in the grid.



The button deselects the transaction searched and enables the user to specify the search criteria to search another transaction(s).



The button updates changes to the database and closes the screen.

In the “Search Results” grid select the row of the transaction whose details are to be viewed/ edited and click this button to open the Transaction Details Screen.



The button closes the screen.

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