Product Gross Margin

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Product Gross Margin


Product Gross Margin

Use this feature to manage product’s prices in the price list that are calculated on the basis of product cost, margin, markup and coefficient.

To open the window, choose Operations > Pricing and Promotions > Product Gross Margin.


Search Screen



Search Criteria


Specify the code of the ‘Product Gross Margin’ to be searched


Enter the description of the saved ‘Product Gross Margin’ to be searched.

Price List

Select or enter the price list code to search the saved ‘Product Gross Margin’.

Search Results


Displays the code of the ‘Product Gross Margin’ searched.


Displays the description of the ‘Product Gross Margin’ searched.

Price List Name

Displays the price list name of the price list of the ‘Product Gross Margin’ searched.


Data Setup Screen



Header Columns


Enter the code of the Product Gross Margin. A unique code of a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters can be entered.


Enter the description of the Product Gross Margin. A description of a maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters can be entered.


Select a subsidiary, the price list that will be modified will belong to this subsidiary only.

clip0203This menu will be available once subsidiary is enabled on enterprise.

Price List

Select a price list from the list of price lists where you want to change the prices of products. This is the target price list.

Rounding Option

Select the rounding option for the prices. This will be applied to the suggested (rounded) price.



Rounding Type

Select the rounding type for the prices. This will be applied to the suggested (rounded) price.





This is the factor(less than 1) based on which the rounded suggested price will be calculated.

Show Price Changed Rows

Enabling this check box will show the rows that have been updated.

Draft Mode

Enabling this mode will give the advantage of saving the pricelist temporarily. That means no changes will be made in the target pricelist. To make the changes in the pricelist permanent, this draft mode has to be unselected.

Detail Columns


Select the products for which the prices have to be updated.

Product Id

Displays the code of the product(s) in the price list.

Product Description

Displays the description of the product(s) in the price list.


Displays the UOM of the product(s).

Product Group

Displays the product group of the product(s) in the price list.

Parent Product

Displays the code of the parent product of the product in the price list.

Current Cost

Displays the cost of the product initially.

What If Cost

Displays initially the cost of the product(s) in the price list, the value can be changed by the user and the calculation will be done according to this price, calculated price will then be shown under suggested price.

Current Price

Displays the cost of the product in the base price list.

Margin Percentage

Displays the margin percentage on the product in the list.


Displays the Markup calculated for the product.


Dividing price of the product by cost of the product.

Suggested Price

This price is the price of the product after calculation on the basis of option selected.

Suggested Price(Rounded)

This price is the rounded price of the product after calculation as the basis of option selected.

Primary Attribute

Displays the primary attribute of the product in the List.

Secondary Attribute

Displays the secondary attribute of the product in the List.

Select All

Click this button to select all the product in the list.

Clear All Record

Click this button to remove all the product in the list.

Add  Products

Click this button to add the product(s) to be added in the target price list.

Delete Products

Click this button to delete selected product(s) from the price list. That is no change will be made for those products.


The button asks for confirmation and clicking on ok button of the message will save the changes to the price list and closes the screen.


This button does not save any changes and closes the screen.

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