SourceType Property (IntegrationQueueDTO)

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SourceType Property (IntegrationQueueDTO)

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SourceType Property (IntegrationQueueDTO)

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CXS.Retail.DTO Namespace > IntegrationQueueDTO Class : SourceType Property

Gets the type of the integration record.


Visual Basic



Public Property SourceType As CXS.Retail.RetailObjectId
Dim instance As IntegrationQueueDTO
Dim value As CXS.Retail.RetailObjectId
instance.SourceType = value
value = instance.SourceType
public CXS.Retail.RetailObjectId SourceType {getset;}
property CXS.Retail.RetailObjectId SourceType {
   CXS.Retail.RetailObjectId get();
   void set (    CXS.Retail.RetailObjectId value);

Property Value

SourceType enum values

None = 0

AccountsReceivable = 1

Address = 2

BarCodeMask = 3

BarCodeMaskDetail = 4

Comment = 5

Contact = 6

Country = 7

Enterprise = 8

ReasonCode = 9

SaleAttribute = 10

ShippingType = 11

Signature = 12

State = 13

ZipCode = 14

CommissionPlan = 15

CommissionPlanDetail = 16

UserCommission = 17

UserCommissionDetail = 18

CreditCard = 19

Customer = 20

CustomerCatalog = 21

CustomerCatalogDetail = 22

CustomerComment = 23

CustomerGroup = 24

CustomerPrinting = 25

Fulfillment = 26

FulfillmentDetail = 27

FulfillmentPlan = 28

FulfillmentPlanSurcharge = 29

ZipCodeDeliveryRate = 30

AlternateProduct = 31

AssemblyComponent = 32

Batch = 33

GoodReceipt = 34

GoodReceiptBatch = 35

GoodReceiptDetail = 36

GoodReceiptSerial = 37

InventoryItem = 38

GoodsIssue = 39

GoodsIssueBatch = 40

GoodsIssueDetail = 41

GoodsIssueSerial = 42

ItemPrinting = 43

KitComponent = 44

Manufacturer = 45

Product = 46

ProductBreakDown = 47

ProductCategory = 48

ProductCategoryProduct = 49

ProductGroup = 50

ProductImages = 51

Serial = 52

StockTransfer = 53

StockTransferBatch = 54

StockTransferDetail = 55

StockTransferSerial = 56

UPCTranslation = 59

UpsellProduct = 60

Warehouse = 61

BreakSession = 62

EmployeePosition = 63

JobCode = 64

LaborSession = 65

LaborTransaction = 66

Team = 67

User = 68

UserJobCode = 69

CreditCardSurcharge = 70

Currency = 71

CurrencyDenomination = 72

ExchangeRate = 73

LayawayPlan = 74

LayawayPlanProduct = 75

LayawayPlanSurcharge = 76

PaymentType = 77

ConsignmentCondition = 78

ConsignmentConditionProductMatrix = 79

PriceList = 80

PriceMatrix = 81

RentalPlan = 82

RentalPlanProduct = 83

RentalPlanSurcharge = 84

SpecialPriceDiscountGroup = 85

SpecialPriceListDate = 86

SpecialPriceListMaster = 87

SpecialPriceListQuantity = 88

Surcharge = 89

Promotion = 90

PromotionBuyOneGetOne = 91

PromotionCombo = 92

PromotionComboDetail = 93

Coupon = 94

PromotionQuickComboDetail = 95

PromotionSaleDiscount = 96

PurchaseOrder = 97

PurchaseOrderDetail = 98

Vendor = 99

VendorCatalog = 100

VendorCatalogDetail = 101

VendorComment = 102

RentalBilling = 103

RentalStatus = 104

Department = 105

Event = 106

HardwareProfile = 107

POS = 108

PrintFormat = 109

PrintProfile = 110

PrintProfileDetail = 111

RetailMessages = 112

RetailProfile = 113

Store = 114

SecurityFunction = 116

SecurityGroup = 117

SecurityGroupSecurityFunction = 118

SecurityGroupSecuritySubFunction = 119

SecurityRole = 120

SecurityRoleSecurityFunction = 121

SecurityRoleSecuritySubFunction = 122

SecuritySubFunction = 123

SecurityUser = 124

TaxAuthority = 125

TaxAuthorityType = 126

TaxCode = 127

TaxCodeByZipCode = 128

TaxCodeDetail = 129

TaxEvent = 130

TaxEventDetail = 131

Count = 132

CountDenomination = 133

CountDetail = 134

CountInventory = 135

Session = 136

SessionDetail = 137

SessionInventory = 138

SessionTransaction = 139

SessionUser = 140

Till = 141

ARPayment = 142

Transaction = 143

TransactionAttribute = 144

TransactionAudit = 145

TransactionBatch = 146

TransactionConsignment = 147

TransactionLayaway = 148

TransactionPayment = 149

TransactionRental = 150

TransactionSaleItem = 151

TransactionSalesPerson = 152

TransactionSerial = 153

TransactionSignature = 154

TransactionSurcharge = 155

PromotionBuyOneGetOneAssociate = 156

PromotionBuyOneGetOnePrincipal = 157

PaymentProcessorSetup = 158

PoleDisplayMessage = 159

TransactionOrder = 160

HardwareDevice = 161

Skin = 162

CustomerAddress = 163

VendorAddress = 164

TaxTaxPeriodDefinition = 165

FulfillmentDeliveryDetail = 166

ProductBuildBreak = 167

ProductBuildBreakDetail = 168

InventoryTransactionSurcharge = 169

PromotionStore = 170

TransactionInstallmentDetail = 171

InventoryItemLog = 172

SerialLog = 173

BatchLog = 174

TillDetail = 175

TillVariance = 176

TillVarianceDetail = 177

TransactionStatus = 178

SystemInformation = 179

CustomSeries = 180

Expense = 181

TransactionQuotation = 182

PaymentTypeAttribute = 183

TransactionPaymentAttribute = 184

TransactionPromotionDetails = 185

SpecialPriceDiscountGroupDate = 186

ProductAttribute = 187

AttributeMaster = 188

AttributeDetail = 189

Report = 190

CustomTransactionInfoGrid = 191

CustomTransactionInfoGridDetail = 192

CountPaymentDetail = 193

MasterTill = 194

GiftCertificate = 195

TransactionGiftCertificate = 196

VendorProduct = 197

GiftCertificateLog = 198

ExpiredGiftCertificate = 199

TransactionConsolidation = 200

GoodsReturn = 201

GoodsReturnDetail = 202

GoodsReturnBatch = 203

GoodsReturnSerial = 204

LineItemAttribute = 205

Query = 206

PaymentTypeStore = 207

PromotionExcludedItem = 208

ProductSurcharge = 209

TransactionLineItemAttribute = 210

TransactionLostSales = 211

AttributeValidValues = 212

InventoryCycleSetup = 213

StockTransferRequest = 215

StockTransferRequestDetail = 216

ReplicationObjectMap = 217

SearchGridColumn = 218

CustomerContact = 219

NumberSeries = 220

DocumentNumberSeries = 221

StoreGroupBase = 222

MasterTillFloatAmountDetail = 223

EventStore = 224

PasswordPolicy = 225

TransactionPrinting = 226

Collection = 227

CollectionDetail = 228

FiscalMask = 230

TaxCodeCondition = 231

ProductClass = 232

County = 233

PromotionBonusBuys = 234

PromotionApplicability = 235

PromotionApplicabilityDetail = 236

PromotionBuy = 237

PromotionGet = 238

CouponCondition = 239

TransactionDeliveryInformation = 240

TransactionCoupon = 241

DiscountGroupSetup = 242

SpecialPriceDiscountGroupQuantity = 243

TransactionLoyalty = 244

CustomTransactionInfoGridStore = 245

Package = 246

PackageGroup = 247

PackageDetail = 248

PassbookSetting = 249

ReplicationTransactionMobile = 250

POSDocumentNumberSeries = 251

PurgeMaster = 252

PurgeHistory = 253

ProductBuildBreakBatch = 254

PromotionProductDetail = 255

ElectronicInvoice = 256

ProductSalesPerson = 257

EmailTemplate = 258

RegisteredMCInfo = 259

ItemMatrixGlobalSetting = 260

ItemMatrixCodeSetting = 261

Bank = 262

UOMLengthWidth = 263

UOMWeight = 264

UOM = 265

UOMGroup = 266

UOMGroupDetail = 267

UOMPackage = 268

ProductBarCode = 269

UOMPriceMatrix = 270

ThermalLabel = 271

LabelPrintField = 272

ValidationRule = 273

ProductCost = 274

ProductCostAudit = 275

MerchandiseHierarchy = 276

MerchandiseHierarchyDetail = 277

ProductMerchandiseHierarchy = 278

ProductMerchandiseHierarchyLog = 279

Dashboard = 280

MRPSettings = 281

PlanningScenario = 282

PlanningScenarioDetails = 283

Recommendation = 284

RegisteredHandheldInfo = 285

PropertyCaptionSetup = 288

ForecastPlanning = 299

ForecastPlanningDetails = 300

ForecastRecommendation = 301

InventoryRevaluation = 302

InventoryRevaluationDetail = 303

Schedule = 304

MobilePOSDelivery = 305

EmailSMSTemplate = 306

DeliveryPackage = 307

DeliveryPackageDetails = 308

DeliveryPackageBatch = 309

DeliveryPackageSerial = 310

SecurityUserStoreMapping = 311

BranchSetup = 312

CustomerBranch = 313

VendorBranch = 314

SchedulerLog = 315

ProductDefaultSetting = 316

DatabaseBackup = 317

SMSReply = 318

ArrAccountsReceivableLog = 319

rtlStoreData = 320

PaymentTypeSurcharge = 321

PaymentTypeDiscount = 322

EULAInformation = 323

TransactionReceipt = 324

ProductCostUpdateLog = 325

LanguageTranslation = 326

LanguageTranslationDetail = 327

LoyaltyConfig = 328

Plan = 329

PlanDetails = 330

PlanExceptionRules = 331

PlanApplicability = 332

PlanApplicabilityDetail = 333

Slab = 334

Points = 335

PointsDetail = 336

PointsSummary = 337

LoyaltyCardInformation = 338

LoyaltyCardTransfer = 339

LoyaltyCardTransferDetails = 340

SpecialDays = 341

PlanSpecialDays = 342

LoyaltyNotification = 343

AdjustmentJournal = 344

AdjustmentJournalDetails = 345

LoyaltyEmailTemplate = 346

LoyaltyMailData = 347

LoyaltyMailSentHistory = 348

LoyaltySMSTemplate = 349

LoyaltySMSSentHistory = 350

LoyaltyPointsExpiry = 351

LoyaltyPrePrintedCard = 352

LoyaltyPrePrintedCardDetails = 353

LoyaltyCumulativeAwardDetail = 354

LoyaltyCumulativePointsAwardDetail = 355

LoyaltyMembershipGroup = 356

CouponIssue = 357

SecurityUserSession = 358

Stage = 359

StageAuthorizationTemplate = 360

StageDocumentAuthorization = 361

StageApprover = 362

StageTemplateList = 363

VendorGroup = 364

TransactionStageApprovalLog = 365

CultureInformation = 366

AlertNotification = 367

AlertSchedule = 368

AlertNotificationUser = 369

SystemNotification = 370

SystemNotificationUser = 371

ProductGrossMargin = 372

ProductGrossMarginDetail = 373

ProductMarginCalculation = 374

AuditLog = 375

AuditLogFilter = 376

CustomerDiscountGroup = 377

CustomerPriceGroup = 378

ProductDiscountGroup = 379

DiscountGroup = 380

SalesPrice = 381

PurchasePrice = 382

ProductPriceManager = 383

ProductPriceManagerDetail = 384

ViewLayoutSettings = 385

Location = 386

Subsidiary = 387

LoyaltyTransactionImportHistory = 388

LocationStockTransfer = 389

LocationStockTransferDetail = 390

LocationStockTransferBatch = 391

LocationStockTransferSerial = 392

InventoryLocation = 393

InventoryLocationLog = 394

BatchLocation = 395

BatchLocationLog = 396

SubsidiaryItem = 397

DisplayProfile = 398

AuditLogMaster = 399

ReferralSetup = 400

VendorWarehouseItem = 401

CustomerWarehouseItem = 402

PassNotification = 403

POSButtonInfo = 404

POSButtonGrid = 405

POSLayoutDetail = 406

POSOperationTypeParam = 407

POSOperationType = 408

POSButtonStyle = 409

POSLayout = 410

StorePriceList = 411

POSTabImage = 412

RegisteredApplication = 413

RegisteredApplicationEvents = 414

OutgoingNotification =416

DocumentPrintProfile = 417

DocumentPrintProfileDetail = 418


PromotionApplicabilityCustomerSpecialDays = 420

CustomerPromotion =421

TransactionLayout = 422

DynamicAssembly = 423

TransactionDynamicAssemblyItem = 424

CustomerDisplayTransactionLayout =425

CustomerDisplayTransactionLayoutDetail = 426

CustomerDisplayIdleScreen = 427

CustomerDisplayIdleScreenImage = 428


CustomerDisplayFeedback = 430

CustomerDisplayQuestions = 431

CustomerDisplayQuestionsOptions = 432

CustomerDisplayFeedbackResult = 433

Patch = 434

PatchReplicationInfo = 435

TransactionPrintCount = 436

CustomSecuritySubFunction = 437

CustomSecurityFeatureSubFunction = 438

EventNotification = 500

Integration = 501

QuantityUpdate = 1010

DeliveryFromSBO = 1015

UserDefinedField = 5000

UserDefinedFieldDetail = 5001

UserDefinedFieldDetailValidValue = 5002

UserDefinedTable = 5003

UDT = 5004

Addon = 6000

AddonSetting = 6001

SQLQuery = -99


Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


IntegrationQueueDTO Class

IntegrationQueueDTO Members

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