Fulfillment Plan

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Fulfillment Plan


Fulfillment Plan

This feature enables the user to search for the fulfillment plans setup in the system and set up new fulfillment plans. The fulfillment plan contains information regarding the lead time required for delivery, the inventory allocation method and the surcharges to be added to the transaction amount when the specified fulfillment plan is attached.


To open the window, choose Operations > Inventory > Fulfillment Plan.


Search Screen



Search Criteria


Enter the code of the fulfillment plan to be searched.


Enter the description of the fulfillment plan to be searched.

Search Results


Displays the code of the fulfillment plan searched.


Displays the description of the fulfillment plan searched.

Required Address

Indicator of whether the address of the customer is required or not when the plan is attached to a sale/ special order transaction.

Inventory Allocation Method

Displays the method of inventory allocation for the plan.

Min Lead Time

Displays the minimum lead time for delivery of the products specified for the fulfillment plan.

Reserve Quantity for Special Orders

If checked system will reserve the quantity of product on which this fulfillment is attached in special order.


Displays the Subsidiary of the fulfillment plan searched

clip0189This is field is visible if subsidiary is enabled.


Setup Screen



Header Columns


Enter the code for the fulfillment plan. A unique code of maximum 20 alphanumeric characters can be entered.


Enter the description for the fulfillment plan. A description of maximum 100 alphanumeric characters can be entered.

Require Address

Select this option if the address of the customer is mandatory when the plan is attached to a sale/ special order transaction. The address is required for delivering the goods at the customer’s place.

Inventory Allocation Method

Select one of the methods to allocate inventory:

Sale - The inventory of the product is affected immediately. A fulfillment plan with this inventory allocation method can be attached only to sales transactions.

Delivery - The inventory of the product is affected only after the order is delivered to the customer. By default this option is selected. A fulfillment plan with this inventory allocation method can be attached only to special order transactions.

Min Lead Time

Enter the minimum time required to deliver the order. The value displayed by default is 0.


Select a Subsidiary to which the fulfillment plan belongs from the list of Subsidiary(s).  Click [...] to open the Subsidiary Search screen and select the Subsidiary.


clip0190This is field is visible if subsidiary is enabled.

Details Columns

Surcharge Id

Displays the code of the surcharge added.


Displays the description of the surcharge added.

Amount Type

Indicator whether the surcharge is calculated as percentage of the transaction amount or as a fixed amount.


Displays the amount of surcharge (fixed amount or percentage).

Pay In Advance

Select this option if the user wants the surcharge amount to be paid in advance when a transaction with this plan attached is carried at the POS.

Add Surcharge

The button enables to add a surcharge. Select a surcharge from the list of surcharges. Click the button to open the Surcharge Search screen and select the surcharge. To add a new surcharge, press “F3” or click on “F3 New” button in the Surcharge Search screen.

Delete Surcharge

The button enables to delete the selected surcharge.


The button updates changes to the database and closes the screen.


The button does not save any changes and closes the screen.


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